Biased opinion
I would like to clarify some issues Dr Tirtha Raj Khaniya has raised in his article
“Restructuring school education: Sound thinking or wild fantasy?” (THT, June 12). Firstly, the article points out various weaknesses of HSEB. But during Khaniya’s four-year tenure at HSEB as its vice-chairman, it is a well known fact that HSEB was not able to establish its institutional credentials. But following his departure, HSEB has been running smoothly, and,
at present, it is totally free from any political interference. I do believe that HSEB has its weak
spots and plenty of room for improvement. But the article clearly reflects the writer’s hurt ego
regarding the functioning of HSEB, both during and after his tenure.
Secondly, his article implies that keeping classes 11 and 12 within the secondary framework, thus leaving them to the whims of bureaucrats, is the best option. But HSEB is of the view that classes 9-12 should be integrated, made autonomous and, most importantly, be guided by academicians instead of bureaucrats. Finally, it is shameful that the writer, who is supposed to be a credible educationist, should bring political grievances into education policy — something which affects the whole nation — and call the stakeholders’ views a “wild fantasy”.
Narayan Prasad Koirala, Chief, Planning and Monitoring Division, HSEB
Meat Act
This refers to the editorial “Meaty question” (THT, June 11). Let us hope that the Meat and Slaughterhouse Act, 2055 BS will be implemented in earnest now that the Veterinary Public Health Office (VPHO), under the directive of chief Dr Bodh Prasad Adhikari, has prepared the
Slaughterhouse and Meat Inspection Technical Directive, 2007. This was long time in coming. Now that Nepal is a member of the WTO, it has become mandatory for implement the Act if the country hopes to export meat products.
Dr Sital Kaji Shrestha, Asst. Lecturer, HICAST
I wonder why rhino poaching continues in Chitwan National Park. The rhinoceros is a rare
animal and a big tourist attraction. But by the look of things, the future generation may be able to see this beautiful animal only in textbooks. Losing rhinos is losing an important national heritage. Hence, saving the rhino should receive high priority.
Shiva Neupane, via e-mail
High charges
Every year, thousands of Nepali students looking to study in English-speaking countries (chiefly the US, the UK and Australia) take proficiency examinations like IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, GRE and GMAT. They spend a good amount of money while preparing for these courses. The examination fees are quite high too. I have no problem with the registration and exam fees. But in case a student loses his score sheet, he has to pay extra to get another copy. Moreover, the more colleges and universities the scores are to be sent to, the higher the charges. Especially for IELTS, the British Council has been charging very high fees that moreover, go up every year. The British Council, though registered as a “charity” in the United Kingdom, acts like a purely commercial organisation.
Sangita Maharjan, via e-mail