LETTERS: Clean energy in limbo

Apropos of the news story “No rational in retendering 25-megawatt grid tied solar project: World Bank” (THT, September 12, Page 10), if the multilateral bank decides to pull out its aid for the project, as suspected by the NEA chaps, the entire blame should be thrown on the shoulders of the concerned locals including Mukesh Kafle who insisted on selecting a bidder with a ‘minor deviation’. The fact that the bank instituted a separate selection committee to evaluate the bids and monitor the procurement process shows the growing lack of trust and faith of the lending agencies on the locals. In order to ensure that Nepalese politicians and public servants do not resort to endemic corruption during project implementation, all bilateral and multilateral lending agencies must institute their independent committees to halt possible siphoning of money and/or completing the projects only in paper or with shoddy quality as Jabdighat Bridge that collapsed prior to inauguration “Contractor’s negligence responsible for collapse of Jabdighat Bridge” (THT, September 12, Page 10).

On the Jabdighat Bridge collapse, Pappu Construction has the right to an independent investigation for unraveling the exact causes of the collapse of the landmark bridge. The government panel cannot just unilaterally point the finger at the contractor for this incident that has some of us throwing hands in the air. The study must try to find out if there were any lapses or abatement from the government’s side.

Manohar Shrestha, Kathmandu


This refers to your very informative editorial “Problem of Suicide” (THT, September 12, Page 8). Suicide is not an economic problem or a generational tic. It’s a problem with a broad base and terrible momentum, a result of seismic changes in the way we live and a corresponding shift in the way we die. It is noted that people die by suicide for a number of reasons; however, the majority of the people who take their lives suffers with an underlying mental illness and substance abuse problem at the time of their death.

Possibly, when one commits suicide then it is that single moment when one does not care for anyone, neither parents, nor family or friends, but just want to culminate his or her life for one particular reason. Apart from depression, people also commit suicide out of bitterness, insecurity, rejection, revenge and impulsive behavior. Youths are more likely to commit suicide as development is forcing youths to the condition of hopelessness. This isn’t always the case, as millions of people live with depression and never attempt or die by suicide, but with awareness, education, and treatment, people can be helped so that suicide does not become an option. One must keep in mind that whatsoever may be the reason in life but suicide is not a solution to any problem. One must be strong enough to face the realities of life.

Vinod C. Dixit, Ahmedabad