MIDWAY: Adopting an attitude

An attitude is at par with other essential human attributes like feelings, emotions and moods. Not to speak of the fact that it’s a belief in one’s uprightness. Whereupon it is certain to be biased, if not, outright prejudiced.

Holding an attitude speaks of things that are not so obvious at the outset. It may also affect thinking and doing things in a natural and spontaneous manner. These come to one’s bidding as a due process of the mind.

Being thus preoccupied, one is likely to be aggressive. Though no one is bemused in the face of what is belligerence conjured on an impulse.

And in such cases, the chances of being a spoilsport at the slightest provocation are very high.

When an attitude is perceived as such then it can cause misunderstanding and enmity and make the way for mischief mongers. So there is a need to be patient which pays off in the long run. This is a surefire method of doing full justice to oneself.

“Adopting an attitude” is about being decisive and taking control and makes one’s presence felt. And it can surface on the most unlikely of occasions, taking one completely by surprise.

It also goes to reinforce the natural inclination of the mind without going to extremes.

An attitude holds back nothing which can promote its worth, value and integrity. Also nothing is spared from making it a going concern due to its modus operandi. For coming to terms with it requires a juxtaposition of words and deeds which goes to show how bereft one may become in its absence.

When an attitude is likely to be adopted then it’s time to forego one’s interests and make an effort in the right direction. Although things can go haywire and result in confusion, this is a risk worth taking.

Trying not to be self-effacing allows for an outburst to simmer down and lead to a measure of control.

Soon an attitude brings about a different perception. And it goes to hold a point of view so necessary to thinking afresh on a topic.

This may express fully the things that matter most and become a new experience of looking at what transpires.