MIDWAY: Balm for a troubled spirit

Seeking an assurance’ is to seek solace in words spoken in a kind and gentle manner. Delivered in a calm and soothing tone of voice these assure one as to the possible outcome of an action, a much awaited result of a project or the possibility of a happenstance, and it proves to be an antidote against needless anxiety or worry.

Assurance takes place when a person is made to feel less remorseful as to the cause of an act he has been responsible for. It also relieves him of misgivings that can produce a twinge of conscience, although this can be redressed through a mixture of patience and a bit of rationalisation.

Towards this end, he delves into self to do some introspection and soul searching. Whenever one is dismayed, it is time to seek assurances. It is possible that one may only be partly assuaged but this could lead to a change of heart.

The logic being that more help is forthcoming. While attention given to the cause of misery makes it less forbidding and more down-to-earth, the realisation that a case has been resolved can bring about quietness and harmony from within.

The fact that it has made inroads into one’s psyche and the ability to think it through makes a surefire thing. Given that only a few words of assurances can go a long way towards reconciliation.

A certain amount of assurance provides balm for a troubled spirit and is needed to give a boost to it. In time it becomes a lifeline to stability and is a sign of things to come — without which there is only dispiritedness. Moreover, seeking an assurance is a step taken to keep track of events as they occur and provides for pre-emptive actions.

This also brings about a change in attitude that can foster communion and is a factor to reckon with.There is nothing to stop one from being reassured if the occasion is right.

It also bespeaks that a kindly soul has taken advantage of a lapse to administer comfort. Beyond this there is not a shadow of doubt as to the intents or motives thus making it a going concern.

The prospect of being set at ease is one that is hard to define. It is not a shameful thing to happen but a time-tested method of relieving distress.