MIDWAY: Divine salve

As the sound of music emanates, it covers the mind like a veil and the bliss we get is truly serene and unfathomable. Sweet music gives the vibes of colour, the tincture of sound and the testimony of words.

The five-lettered word, be it ‘Musik’ in German or any other language, justifies the same logic. Music is intangible but can capture the heart with the help of fetters of notes and scales. This brings us to a whole new world — and the heavenly paradise within it.

The history of music is like a grapevine whose tip cannot be traced. The peculiar curiosity of man to try to know about everything around him also extends to the field of music. He has learned through Sastras that even in the medieval times, Gods and Goddesses used to dance to harmonious beats of musical instruments. The same tunes are now music to us ‘Earthians’. Henceforth, it has graced our lips and helped us in times of both joy and sorrow. So much so that music has become an integral part of human life.

Music permeates every part of the world. This unique quality of music allows anyone on the face of the universe to understand the vibes, the passion, the feel, the subtlety, the transcendence of music. There are no limits or bondages to the five-lettered word. It can be taken to any heights and can be drowned in the deepest trench. It is the feel that matters, the soothing effect that can make us forget who we really are and can take us to a whole new realm.

But the world and everything in it is changing with the times. Hence it is inevitable that music too should change. But not all changes are good.

I am rather dismayed to listen to music that has no soothing effect, no feel or passion these days. I find that spiritual music has taken itself to the greatest height but other genres of music are on a downhill path. Especially in our country, the wide range of cultural and folk music is nowhere to be heard. Hip-hop and rap have engulfed them.

While looking to change something that valuable, great care has to be taken that its essence is not lost. For if the soul of the music is lost, not much will remain for us to listen to. Music is divine. Let us not try to smear it with earthly grime.