Moments of life
Moments make a life time, moments make you happy, and it is after all the little moments that make your life worthwhile. Unless the ghost of pin interest haunted you these above said things about
moments are not always true and I found out through the hard way. Like we all do, through a failure.
So, failures are quite common in life and often not as devastating as one seems to predict. But eventually no matter how hard we think we have fallen to the ground and how wounded we feel we are because of these failed moments, we eventually get better, we get up and move forward. Why is this? Why do we let some moments get us badly but days, months, years later it does not affect us the way we thought it would when we initially felt it? It is because we put too much pressure on ourselves. We believe that the next big break, the next glorious moment is right around the corner all the while ignoring the process of getting there. —