Mushy affairs
Forbidden fruit is tempting. But scores of cops, who felt the irresistible urge to play insouciant Casanovas, have had to pay the cost, perhaps a bit too dearly. Not only are they faced with the humiliation of having their boudoir secrets out, but have also been ordered to pay a hefty
alimony. Not a court of justice settlement, of course. The cops are forced to share half the dough they are paid for their monthly labour with their ex-wives. Considering the torment, both physical and psychological, while the hubbies poured fortunes into foreign laps, it is hardly a reasonable redress for the beleaguered ex-wives. Polygamy is a punishable offence, and the offenders have to be punished in accordance with the law.
Surprising that in this case the Police Department instead of a court of law dispensed justice.
The ex-wives should get what they can rightfully claim, even half their husbands’ property if they decide to separate legally. Ad hoc solutions will only fester the sour relationship that might have resulted either out of spouse’s incompatibility or infidelity. It is mysterious though that all these cops are stationed in Dailekh. For the sin of this kind, the penalty might sound a bit lenient too. But, where are the women’s rights activists when the escapades of scores of cops cum husbands and the agonies of their wives have made headlines?