Resilience plans
By 2050, two-thirds of all people will live in cities. Each year, 72.8 million more people live in urban areas. That’s the equivalent of a new San Diego appearing every week. But fast grow, and a high concentration of people and assets, makes cities vulnerable to climate change and disasters. By 2030, climate change alone could force up to 77 million urbarn residents into poverty.
As we celebrate Earth Day 2018 and continue the fight against climate change, cities are striving to become more sustainable, investing in ways to reduce their vulnerability to disasters and climate change.Achieving resilience is the goal – and the good news is that cities aren’t alone on the team.
Local governments have already begun to invest in resilience. Cities in the 100 Resilient Cities network, for instance, have designed resilience plans that focus on better integrating, coordinating, and managing infrastructure, whether it’s new development or existing assets. —