
Do you think you are alone? I can assure you, that there are many parents that are in your same situation - and feeling the same frustrations regarding your out of control teen. I am confident many of you will see the familiarity with these consequences:

Remove privileges or place restrictions on cell phones, televisions, computers, going out on weekends, friends, phone time at home, etc. Change schools - How many times have we believed if we change the school the problems will go away? Believe or not, parents have looked for job transfers or other avenues to try to remove their teen from the environment they are currently in. Seeking a therapist will help. Yes, in some cases it will. And, of course, we should all try this avenue first. These above efforts are avenues parents could try before considering any type of residential therapy school program. It is important you educate yourself - empower yourself with information to help you make the best decision for your child. —