Wrong words
Nepanglish, they say — the English so enmeshed with Nepali they can’t be cleaved apart. And no, I am not one of those purists who will drone about how there is no more pristine. I find it cute, and endearing, and perfectly natural, that we borrow words from one language and lend to the other and get lost in a rich, delightful mush. But having said that, there are some special ‘Nepalized’ words that are not only wrong but so — so annoying and jarring — that they weary me no end. I don’t care that your pronunciation is distinctly Nepali (I have a very Indian accent myself, and it bothers me not a bit), I don’t care much that you find it difficult to string sentences the correct grammatical way (though you will have to forgive me for sneakily editing them), I don’t care that the spellings are wrong (I can’t spell receive till date, and doubt if I ever can). But if someone uses one of the following words, I’m not going to take it in (my usual) kind way. — bhattarairicha.blogspot.com