Lalitpur Metropolis signs MoUs with football clubs
Lalitpur, November 3
Lalitpur Metropolitan City today signed the agreements with football clubs of the district.
As per the agreements, Lalitpur Metropolis provided financial assistance to the A, B and C division clubs of the districts on annual basis and also reward the clubs who win tournaments.
The Lalitpur Metropolitan City had decided to provide five A division clubs — Ruslan Three Star Club, NIBL Friends Club, Jawalakhel Youth Club, Chyasal Youth Club and Brigade Boys Club — with Rs 400,000 each and four B division clubs — Khumaltar Youth Club, Pulchowk Youth Club, Satdobato Youth Club and Shree Kumari Club — with Rs 300,000 apiece. Likewise, the Metropolis had allotted Rs 200,000 each to two C division clubs — Khalibari Youth Club and Jhamsikhel Youth Club.
But out of the five ‘A’ division outfits, only Three Star attended the programme and its president Arun Man Joshi exchanged the agreement papers with Mayor ChiriBabuMaharjan. Lalitpur Metropolis also handed over another Rs 2.8 million to Three Star for winning seven titles in domestic circuit. Other four A division clubs boycotted programme protesting Metropolitan City’s decision of providing Three Star with the reward. The clubs have issued a joint press release saying the decision was ‘biased and unfair’.
Mayor Maharjan urged the four ‘A’ division clubs to sign the agreement and take the money. “This is unfortunate that the four clubs did not take part in the programme but we have not done any discrimination from our part,” said Maharjan. “We provided Three Star with Rs 2.8 million as the reward for winning seven titles last year. The Metropolis has decided to reward a club with Rs 400,000 per title and we will provide the amount to any team,” said Maharjan. “The doors are open for you all.”