KATHMANDU: The Nepal National and International Players Association on Friday bought seat No 101 at the under-construction Gautam Buddha International Cricket Stadium.

NNIPA President Deepak Bista, honorary president Deepak Shrestha and General Secretary Shiva Sundar Gothe among others handed over a cheque of Rs 100,000 to Dhurmus-Suntali Foundation President Sitaram Kattel. The Foundation had appealed the public to support in the constriction of the stadium through the "My Stadium, My Seat" campaign launched in March. The NNIPA had earlier contributed Rs 60,000 to the stadium from the savings of premier show of Nepali film Senti Virus. "It's not about buying a seat or making financial contribution. We are happy to be associated with the campaign launched by the Foundation," said NNIPA President Shrestha. He also urged people to make contribution as per their capacity. The Foundation is constructing the cricket stadium along with facilities of 22 other sports in Bharatpur.

A version of this article appears in the print on April 24, 2021, of The Himalayan Times.