Farmers spill milk in protest
MAHENDRANAGAR, June 27: Milk farmers of Suda VDC, Kanchanpur, today spilled milk on the road in protest.
The farmers affiliated to Shuklaphanta Hybrid Cows and Buffaloes Milk Production Committee also carried out a chakka jam along the highway by spilling a huge amount of milk to protest Nepal Milk Development Corporation’s apathy to buy the milk produced by the farmers. The chakka jam lasted for half an hour.
“What else would we do if our produce isn’t sold?” asked committee chairperson Raghubir Lekhak, accusing the NMDC of breaching its earlier agreement with the committee to buy 12,000 litres of milk every month. According to Lekhak, they disposed around 2,000 litres of milk which they had collected since one month.
The committee collects milk from the farmers in Suda, Belauri and Punarbas areas. Recently, the corporation has limited its collection citing decline in the consumption in the post-earthquake scenario. Hemchandra Poudel, Chief of NMDC Kailali, said that they could not buy the agreed amount of milk due to low demand.