
KMC Programmes and Policies meeting postponed

This happened as a consequence of conflict between Mayor Balen Shah and ward chairs

By Bal Krishna Sah


On Sunday morning at 9:30 am the Kathmandu Metropolitan Municipal Council met at the National Assembly House and began with the National Anthem. The scenes at the meeting were normal at the beginning.

Mayor Shah began the second meeting of the 15th convention, as requested by Pradeep Pariyar, the KMC's chief administrative officer. Mayor Shah requested representatives who wanted to speak to submit their names. The discussions were to be centred around the metropolis' progress during the current fiscal year 2023–24, as well as the metropolis' policies and programs, which he had submitted on Friday for the next fiscal year.

The hall was quiet for a while, but not for long. The city council members stood up and began to look around. When Nabin Manandhar, KMC spokesperson and Ward President of Ward No. 17 from the Nepali Congress, Navaraj Parajuli, Ward President of Ward No. 32 from the CPN-UML, and Ishwarman Dangol, President of Ward No. 15 from the CPN (US), who were tasked with coordinating the amendment proposals on behalf of the city assembly, did not appear in the hall, the members of the assembly stood up and walked out.

The three ward chairs from the three parties, Manandhar, Parajuli, and Dangol, were busy discussing Mayor Balen's policies and programs and drafting amendment proposals. However, Mayor Shah continued with the proceedings, which compelled three ward chairpersons to get on stage and start speaking with Mayor Shah.

Talking to THT, Nabin Manandhar stated that they had only requested an hour of clarity on the programme and policies to be endorsed. 'However, the mayor only gave 15 minutes, which was inadequate. Later, he cancelled the meeting and announced another date,' he said.

'The three of us approached the mayor together, and as KMC's spokesperson, I attempted to mediate the conversion because I had always assisted him in all disputes. Although my request was ignored, we did see another status from the mayor blaming and accusing us, implying that we political party members are opposed to KMC's progress. We all want a ray of hope in the midst of widespread despair, as well as clarity in the programmes offered by KMC. That's all we demanded.'

Immediately after the meeting, Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) Mayor Shah took to social media and gave vent to his feeling stating that ward chairpersons representing the Nepali Congress and CPN-UML refrain from bringing their party affiliation prowess to the Municipal Assembly.

According to Shah's post, today's municipal assembly was postponed due to a boycott by ward chairpersons from the NC and UML. He has scheduled the next meeting for June 24 at 11 am.

Shah stated that three leaders had violated the right of 160 representatives to speak. 'In the Municipal Assembly, no one is the leader or deputy leader of any party. All 160 members have equal say and ownership in every decision. KMC does not engage in political bargaining behind closed doors and then simply formalises those decisions publicly.'

He also stated that, in order to maintain transparency, no programmes or policies for the KMC will be discussed in a closed room. 'Whatever happens, every interested citizen should watch. That is why we live-streamed the municipal meeting,' he added.

Meanwhile, netizens have joined Balen in the comment box, expressing frustration with traditional parties. The majority of the comments support Mayor Balendra Shah accusing and abusing established political parties such as the Nepali Congress, CPN-UML, and CPN-MC, as well as their chiefs.

'We are so proud of you, Mayor Balen. We do care about you, sometimes we worry about you. You are the true leader for our country.' Siddhart Chaudhary's comment reads 'You are the hope and leader for millions of youth.'