Weightlifting empty-handed
Weightlifting empty-handed
Published: 04:10 am Feb 03, 2010
Dhaka: For the first time in the history of the South Asian Games, Nepal will have to return home empty handed after the remaining two lifters failed to win a medal at the 11th edition here today. After Punti Lal Yadav finished fifth in the 105kg category and Gopal Bahadur Shrestha ended up fourth in the above-105kg category, Nepal ended the 11th SA Games campaign without a single medal. Weightlifting is the event which has brought the highest number of international medals till date. Punti Lal lifted a total of 251kg — 106kg in snatch and 145kg in clean & jerk while Gopal Bahadur lifted 112kg in snatch and 152kg in clean & jerk for a total of 264kg. The 10th SA Games gold medallist Kamal Bahadur Adhikari and Gyan Bahadur Shrestha were both washed-out on Monday. Other two lifters Hem Shanker Chaudhaary (56kg) and Bikash Thapa (62kg) also failed to earn medals. Coach Tilak Raut said that the inadequate training was the cause of the disappointing showing. "The lifters also could not perform to their potential," said the coach adding that the elevator accident might have also contributed to their poor show. Lifters Gyan Bahadur and Gopal Bahadur were among the nine Nepali players who were injured in an elevator crash at the Imperial Hotel on Friday. Punti Lal said he played with heavy hearts after knowing the demise of his mother. "I got the information of my mother's death only after reaching Dhaka," said the lifter adding that he was considering of withdrawing from the competition. His mother died the day he left Kathmandu.