
Transmission line construction in limbo

Transmission line construction in limbo

By Laxmi Gautam

FILE - Under construction substation of Kabeli Corridor Transmission line in Thapatar, Phidim-5 of Panchthar district. Photo: Laxmi Gautam/THT

PHIDIM: Four years after beginning of the construction of the Kabeli Corridor Transmission Line (KCTL) in eastern Nepal, only half work has been done. The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) had added an extra one-and-half-year time after being unable to complete the construction work within the previous deadline of mid-August 2014. Now, only six months are left in the extended deadline, but no any symptom of completion is seen. Delay in construction of the transmission line will halt transmitting the power generated from Panchthar, Ilam and Taplejung districts of Mechi zone to the national grid. The 90-km transmission line of 132 KVA capacity with 259 towers will connect Amarpur of Pancthar to Lakhanpur of Jhapa. Due to delay in the construction work, hydropower projects in Pachthar, Ilam and Taplejung will not be able to generate electricity. For example, Maima Sanima Hydropower Company of Ilam has already completed its constructions works, but is unable to transmit the energy to the national grid. According to KCTL Head Dipendra Raj Dwibedi, the construction work is obstructed because of issues regarding land acquisition and compensation for land to local people. Works to construct substations in Amarpur and Thapatar of Pachthar district, Godak of Ilam and Lakhanpur of Jhapa are underway.