
All about first impressions

All about first impressions

By All about first impressions

Yasmin Taj


There comes a time when a stranger comes from afar and, ironically, presents to us our own art in such a way that leaves us spellbound. ‘Qui-en Sabe,’ an exhibition of paintings by Max Miller was inaugurated at The Art Shop on June 24. This is Miller’s first exhibition in Nepal.

Lupita H Ortiz, president of AWON, inaugurated the exhibition. “It is a pleasure to have Miller in this country with his immense talent,” she said. “The most astonishing thing about his art is the message he is giving out to us about Nepal though he himself has been here for a mere 60 days.” Max Miller was born in Houston, Texas, USA, in 1949 and graduated from RICE University with honours in 1973 armed with a degree in painting. He has been painting for the past 35 years and has had numerous exhibitions in many parts of the USA and Europe. During

his seven years at Corpus Christi, Miller held a number of exhibitions, painted several monumental murals, taught art therapy to stroke victims and school students, while being resident artist at Storefront Art Foundation.

Miller has been in Nepal since May 7 and has devoted his time entirely towards creating timeless pieces of art while completing a mural in Chabahil. The exhibition displays a total of 12 paintings which can be categorised as a mixed bag of abstract and realistic art in terms of style and significance. Each one of the 12 paintings are done with utmost brilliance using bold lines and vibrant colours. The display conjures up a different reality, which goes well with the western construct of the Orient and manifests almost the innocence of youth. One of the most remarkable paintings is the one beautifully done on the mountains and clouds of Nepal giving one a refreshing and colourful view of the country. “It is indeed a pleasure to have a legend like Miller in our country whose paintings are a true expression of joy giving one a perfect visual balance,” said Chirag Bangdel, artist and art enthusiast. Fifty per cent of the entire proceedings from the exhibition will be donated to AWON charity. “Nepal is a magical place and my work is all about first impressions I had of this beautiful land. I deeply feel attached to this place and wish that I never had to go back. I would definitely return for a longer visit,” Miller said. The exhibition is on for the next two weeks.