Visually impaired enjoy play
Visually impaired enjoy play
Published: 12:00 am Aug 27, 2005
Organising charity shows of various kinds for the underprivileged is definitely not a recent phenomenon. In fact, many consider it as their social responsibility to take care of their disadvantaged fellow people. Leo Club of Kathmandu Capital in association with Friends of Gurukul, organised a charity show of the play Jaat Sodhnu Jogiko for about 40 visually challenged people of Nepal Netrahin Sangh on August 27. Digi Tech, New Road, sponsored the tickets for these people.
A play, being largely a performing art, is essentially meant for viewing. But that does not mean that those who have lost their sight cannot experience or entertain themselves. Their response after seeing the play best provided evidence that they equally enjoyed the show as others did. At times Buddha Laxmi Shrestha, Brail teacher at Namuna Machhindra School was helping her young students figure out elements of scenes during the staging of the play. Junu Shrestha, a student of Class X, was happy recalling the comical incidents from the play when the show was over.
Amrit Rai, Director of Nepal Netrahin Sangh, said, “When comparing cinema and theatre, theatre is more friendly for us because at stage play, incidents happen in close proximity and it is easier to follow the storyline than in a movie where the background music makes us difficult to follow the storyline properly.” Jibesh Rayamajhi, one of the active members of Friends of Gurukul, said, “There was no special changes made in the performance to particularly suit the special audience. We have chosen this play because it is in the story telling format, which would be easier for them to comprehend.”