
Thousands demonstrate in support of Dr Govinda KC

Thousands demonstrate in support of Dr Govinda KC

By THT Online

#IamWithDrKC: People marching towards Maitighar to take part in demonstration and express solidarity to Prof Dr Govinda KC, who is on hunger strike, demanding reforms in Nepal's medical education and action against the corrupt officials and medical mafia. Photo: Lekhanath Pandey

KATHMANDU: Thousands of members of the public on Saturday took out to the streets to express solidarity with Prof Dr Govinda KC, the senior orthopaedic surgeon at the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, who has been staging a fast-undo-death demanding reforms in Nepal's medical sector. The participants gathered at Maitighar Mandala and staged a rally to Naya Baneshwor, in front of the Parliament building. The event organised by the Solidarity for Doctor KC Alliance had attracted participants from various walks of the life. The demonstrators had carried placards and banners with the messages urging the government to address demands of Dr KC pronto.

डा. केसीका 'पागल' समर्थकहरू pic.twitter.com/w2fBHKauTd

— रामेश (@RaameshKoirala) July 23, 2016 They had also demanded that lawmakers take concerns raised by the fasting doctor seriously and address the demands. Dr KC had also addressed the demonstrators over phone from the TUTH bed. Some political forces including Baburam Bhattarai-led Naya Shakti Nepal and Ujwal Thapa-led Bibeksheel Nepali have formally backed the movement. #publicOutcry against #polarization #cartels #Thapathali pic.twitter.com/CRbKmgnafK — Sujeev Shakya (@sujeevshakya) July 23, 2016 जनता मार्न पाइँदैन ।#IamwithDrKC#IamPaagal pic.twitter.com/6sdJrkkW7X — Gyanendra Niraula (@GyanendraLeads) July 23, 2016 लोकतन्त्र कि लोकमानतन्त्र pic.twitter.com/Am8DbtuPf0 — Bibeksheel Nepali (@bibeksheelnp) July 23, 2016 READ ALSO: Putting forth major four demands, Dr KC on July 10 had begun his hunger strike at the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital. KC has accused Karki of protecting various corrupt people in the medical education sector and argued that the CIAA chief breached his jurisdiction as he interfered in the Kathmandu University. He has also demanded impeachment motion against CIAA Commissioner Raj Narayan Pathak, arguing that he was also involved in activities against dignity of his position, in promoting irregularities in the medical education sector.

Dr Govinda KC fast-unto-death




1st July 5-8, 2012 4 2nd August 11-17, 2012 6 3rd January 11-24, 2014 14 4th February 8-15,  2014 8 5th February 20-March 3 , 2015 12 6th August 24  - September 6, 2015 14 7th September 19-29, 2015 11 8th July 10, 2016-ongoing 14 (till July 23) Another demand of Dr KC includes improvement in a draft of the Medical Education Act with objectives to establish at least a medical college in all provinces, to make education at the government medical colleges completely free and to halt affiliations to new colleges within Kathmandu Valley for next 10 years. Likewise, he demanded that the government withdraw a bill on establishing an academy in the Capital which is currently under discussion at the Parliament. Dr KC argued that the bill was against a report of the high-level committee formed to draft new health education policy in the country, headed by educationist Prof Kedar Bhakta Mathema. Likewise, he demanded implementation of the past agreements signed with him. Whereas Dr KC enjoys a good support from social media users and members of the public, private medical colleges have been protesting his strike claiming he was against promotion of private medical colleges in Nepal.

I am at Maitighar. #IamwithDrKC pic.twitter.com/2w3KoZVdA0

— Amrit Gurung (@amritnepathya) July 23, 2016 Isn't this a nonviolent revolution? #powerofpeople #IamwithDrKC one of the biggest apolitical rally supporting DrKC pic.twitter.com/fHILEuHGex — Brabim Kumar (@brabimkumar) July 23, 2016

भ्रष्टहरुको विरुद्ध हजारौंको संख्या मा नेता बिनाको सन्तुलित, शान्त र स्वस्फूर्त पागलहरुको विशाल जुलुस #IamwithDrKC pic.twitter.com/NIlUEiodpd

— BASKOTA SUNIL123 (@baskotasunil4) July 23, 2016 This too is possible Nepal. Have a look at #IamwithDrKC . No need to throw bombs and stones and put the country on a halt to be heard. — Shiwani Neupane (@ShiwaniNeupane) July 23, 2016

This country is ours. We are concerned about our future. If you donot listen, we act. #IamwithDrKC pic.twitter.com/KPuqu4x35u

— Jagannath (@jagannathlc) July 23, 2016 #IamwithDrKC glad to see this mass! pic.twitter.com/WpgAy3E5QW — Sharmila (@prakasharmila) July 23, 2016

डाक्टर गोविन्द केसीको समर्थनमा काठमाडौंका विभिन्न ठाउँहरुमा देखिएको बिशाल मानव सागर#IamwithDrKC #Day14 pic.twitter.com/a3xunQw9G1

— Erick Mgr (@ManojMgr4) July 23, 2016 #IamwithDrKC pic.twitter.com/mxObjPzI3Q — Rohit Purbey (@imrohitp46) July 23, 2016

'@मेरो समर्थन पुरै डाक्टर केसि प्रती अराजकता विरुद्ध को लडाइँ प्रती #IamwithDrKC pic.twitter.com/suCofk6E9U'

— NEPALI CRICKET FAN (@kmaloli33) July 23, 2016 #IamwithDrKC तन एता भएनि मन चाहिँ माइतीघर मै छ है pic.twitter.com/Kqgvuen2Xz — Shreedhar Aryal (@ArzzalSirdar) July 23, 2016

'डाक्टर गोविन्द केसीको समर्थनमा काठमाडौंका विभिन्न ठाउँहरुमा देखिएको बिशाल मानव सागर#IamwithDrKC #Day14 pic.twitter.com/Okaq05PyAo''

— NEPALI CRICKET FAN (@kmaloli33) July 23, 2016 #IamwithDrKC pic.twitter.com/F6QLDQ7rzU — प्रतिक्रियाबादी (@pralakshyad) July 23, 2016 SEE ALSO: