100-yr-old temple to get a facelift
100-yr-old temple to get a facelift
Published: 12:00 am Mar 09, 2004
Himalayan News Service
Lalitpur, March 8:
Historically and archaeologically important temple of Kaan Devata (God of ears) in Kupondole is going to get a facelift soon. The over 100-year-old temple has reached a stage of ruin due to lack of proper maintenance.
Lalitpur mayor Buddhi Raj Bajrachaya today inaugurated the renovation of the temple. Mythology has that worshipping at the temple cures diseases of ears.
Mayor Bajrachaya said that Kupondole, being the gateway of Lalitpur, needs to be maintained well.
The Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitan City has provides Rs two lakh for the reconstruction of the temple.
A committee has been formed to upgrade the environment around the temple. The reconstruction of the temple is estimated to cost around to Rs1.1 million.
Basanta Mishra, coordinator of the reconstruction committee, said that most of the money needed for the restoration has come from the local people.
'The locals have already contributed Rs 5 lakh till now.' Architects Mr and Mrs Matchendra Lal Kayastha have prepared the design of the temple.
The reconstructed temple will have a polished carved-stone boundary and a metallic roof.