
Vultures on verge of extinction in Nepal

Vultures on verge of extinction in Nepal

By Rastriya Samachar Samiti

BAITADI: The vultures known as nature's scavengers are alarmingly on the verge of extinction with dwindling nesting habitats compounded by a host of other factors. The vultures are vanishing due to climate change, shrinking habitation, use of medicines and lack of prey. The absence of tall trees has also deprived them of a place to build nests, Chairman of Community Forest Consumer Federation, Baitadi, Chakra Prasad Sharma shared. ' 'The villagers are cutting down trees citing less production in the irrigated fields, which has resulted in a less number of trees used to build nests,' Sharma said. The Bird Conservation Nepal had recorded 12 nests in Baitadi last year. Sharma argued that governmental and local level effort could help conserve the endangered species. The use of diclofenac medicine, a veterinary drug present in the livestock carcases that vultures scavenge, has largely contributed to causing the extinction of the bird of prey. The drug is used in the treatment of livestock. The drug affects vultures' kidneys, which lead to their death. Besides, the consumption of dead livestock by locals also contributed to the decreasing number. If a buffalo dies, they use its meat as food, which otherwise would be eaten up by vultures, said the Chief of Baitadi District Livestock Service Office, Dr Nabin Ghimire. There are as many as 23 different species of vultures found across the globe. Among them, South Asia is the home to nice species while Nepal is the home to eight species of vultures that include Himalayan vulture, Egyptian vulture, white-rumped vulture, slender-billed vulture, red-headed vulture, cinereous vulture, griffon vulture and bearded vulture. READ ALSO: Vultures pushed to verge of extinction National bird Danphe at risk of extinction in Achham Bird Conservation Nepal records 13,749 birds in Valley Nepal's extinct bird rediscovered in Chitwan