
Changes in CTEVT, HSEB

Changes in CTEVT, HSEB

By Himalayan News Service

Kathmandu, February 4:

The Council of Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) and the Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB) will be restructured as per the new Education Ordinance.

The ordinance has removed the post of vice-president from both the organisations and member-secretary will be made into executive director effective from January 30. As per the new provision, Education Secretary will be the chairman of the Executive Council of both the organisations and Education Minister will be the chairman of the Academic Council. This will bar political appointee in the post of vice-president.

According to the Education Ordinance, 11,000 temporary teachers who have been working in the vacant posts for a year will be given a chance to compete among themselves.

The King and Queen will be the patrons of the Nepal Scout. The ordinance has also defined the term ‘scholarship’. Similarly, it has made provisions for the transfer of ownership of private trusts.