Clicking the dangers we face
Clicking the dangers we face
Published: 12:00 am Feb 18, 2006
If technological development has enhanced the quality of life in the twenty-first century, it has equally worried us with grave concerns. While the list of mind boggling possibilities are almost endless, some have reached the point of irrevocable disasters. Sample this: Greenhouse emissions, human rights issues, technology, development, physical environment, health, urban life, economy, leadership and natural environment, to name a few — issues that call for our immediate attention.
While the spectre is ever looming large, in some cases, it has even threatened to destroy human civilisation. As a positive development, however, some of the developed nations are harnessing the formidable strength of nature to generate power (that seems fast floundering). For instance, Japan is using waves, winds, tidal currents, the sun and even the volcanoes to generate power. The concept of eco-city has come in where people harvest rain-water and recycle waste materials.
Starting on February 13, the British Council has staged a photography exhibition that exposes the horrible truth that threatens civilisation in the twenty-first century. It not only calls for our attention to act upon to shield nature’s most beautiful gifts from extinction (festooned by arresting quotes of guest essayists) but also displays photographs from contributors across the globe. Ten photographs have been displayed at the exhibition with quotes from Kofi Annan, Tony Blair, prominent authors and artistes stressing the seriousness of the issues.
Sir David Green KCMG, Director General of British Council, inaugurated the exhibition. The exhibition is on for public viewing at the British Council courtyard till March 15.
Keeping the effects of global warming and the climatic changes in mind, the British Council is organising a ‘Photography Competition’ where entries have been invited from Nepali citizens in three different age categories (8-12 years; 13-18 years; 19-35 years), which will include applications from individual participants and from schools.
This competition encourages people to take photographs of climatic changes that they have observed within the Valley and its surburbs. For example, if a certain patch of land was lush and green a few years ago but is now arid and cracked dry, one could send a photograph of this, or if you have taken a holiday picture of melting glaciers then it could be entered into the competition too.
The competition is open and the last date for the entry is March 15. The winners will be declared on March 31.
The first prize is a digital camera, second prize is a book on climate change and photography, and the third prize is a free membership at the British Council Library.
Entry forms for the competition is available at and from the British Council reception. The British Council reserves the right to display the entries on its premises.
Contest info
• The photography contest is open to all Nepali citizens
• Three age categories — 8-12 yrs; 13-18 yrs; 19-35 yrs
• Entry forms available at and from British Council reception
• Last date for entry March 15
• Winners to be announced on March 31