
HoR regulations paves way for forming thematic committees

HoR regulations paves way for forming thematic committees

By Himalayan News Service

The building of Nepal's Legislature-Parliament.

Kathmandu, June 9 The House of Representatives yesterday endorsed the House of Representatives Regulations, which has paved the way for forming parliamentary thematic committees. According to the regulations, there will be 10 thematic committees in the HoR. The parties have stated that preparations for forming the thematic committees have begun.  “We have been holding talks with leaders represented in the Parliament. The related committees will be formed in a few days,” said Spokesperson for the Parliament Bharat Raj Gautam. “The speaker will start discussion with political parties on the formation of thematic committees from Sunday.” The 10 thematic committees mentioned in the regulations are finance, international relations, law, justice and human rights, women and social development, technical education and health, state affairs and good governance, public accounts, industry and commerce, labour and consumer welfare and agriculture, micro-finance and natural resources. Normally, the government allows the opposition party to lead Public Accounts Committee. So, the NC is likely to lead the PAC, but the opposition is expecting to lead more committees. The government is unlikely to give the opposition more than two thematic committees given its strength in the Parliament.  Out of 275 seats in the HoR, the NC has 63 and the ruling NCP 174 seats. Federal Socialist Forum-Nepal, the alliance partner of the NCP in the government, has 16 seats. Chief Whip of the NCP Dev Gurung said they would hold discussion the opposition and come to conclusion. “We will also discuss within our own party. Then, discuss with other parties. We will not decide alone anything,” Gurung said.