
Women MPs for role in democracy

Women MPs for role in democracy

By Himalayan News Service

Kathmandu, May 19:

Women members of parliament (MP) today laid emphasis on their “equal participation” in the democratic process, elections to constituent assembly and restructuring of the state.

The MPs, speaking at an interaction here, said their role in the government must not be marginalized or undermined at any policy making level.

Recalling the “active participation” of women in the historic mass movement, MP Bidhya Bhandari said since state restructuring was one major point in the agenda of the movement, women too must get equal share in the democratisation process.

“Without involvement of women from the indigenous, Dalits and Janajati communities in the democratic process, merely uttering ‘restructuring the state’ will have no meaning,” MP Urmila Aryal said.

The declaration, Aryal said, has “raised high the hopes” of the women. She urged the army to “feel proud” of being a national army and not serve the interests of a single family.

MP Renu Yadav said women should have a key role in the elections to constituent assembly but cautioned that they should be equally watchful while implementing the laws. She also demanded women’s participation in the talks between the government and the Maoists.MP Tirtha Gautam said “restructuring the state” would be meaningless without the participation of women. MP Kashi Poudel urged women to continue raising their voices publicly. “You keep on raising your voices in the streets, we will do it inside (House),” she added.

Another MP, Sabitri Bogati, laid emphasis on the equal participation of women in the governing process while MP Kunta Sharma highlighted the plight of women in male-dominated society.