First Filipino climber scales Everest
First Filipino climber scales Everest
Published: 12:00 am May 29, 2006
Kathmandu, May 28:
Heradio Oracian became the first Filipino climber to conquer the world’s highest mountain on May 17, as a member of the first ever Philippine Everest Expedition team. Thirty-two-year old Oracian reached the summit with high altitude guide Pemba Chotti Sherpa. Similarly, another member of the team Erwin Pastour Emata and high altitude guide Lakpa Gyalzen Sherpa reached the summit of Mt Everest on May 18. Both 32-year-old Oracion and 33-year-old Emata returned to Everest Base Camp on May 19. This was made public at a press meet organised by the Consulate of the Republic of the Philippines here today.