Face masks, sanitisers crunch in Nepalgunj
Face masks, sanitisers crunch in Nepalgunj
Published: 09:00 am Mar 17, 2020
Nepalgunj, March 16 Following the fear of COVID-19 pandemic across the globe, Nepalgunj has run out of face masks and sanitisers. Commoners have been facing artificial shortage of face masks and sanitisers after traders and businessmen started concealing them for the past one week. Sweta Shrestha of Nepalgunj-12 lamented that she could not get any face mask or sanitiser though she had visited department stores, groceries and even Bhatbhateni supermarket multiple times. Irate Shrestha questioned the government for its failure to supply sanitisers and face masks to the people. With the rumour of Nepal-India border being closed doing the rounds, Nepalgunj market has experienced a crunch of sanitisers and face masks. Sushmita Thapa demanded that the ill-intentioned traders who are making a quick buck be booked. “Who will provide basic health service and sanitation to the commoners?” Thapa asked. Dipesh Gupta, who had reached Bheri Hospital to buy a face mask, said it was unfortunate that he could not get any face mask even at the hospital. Nepalgunj’s entrepreneur Suraj Shah said the sudden surge in demand had caused shortage of sanitisers and face masks in the market.