In Pictures: Astrologists fix auspicious time for the return of Machhindranath to Bungamati
In Pictures: Astrologists fix auspicious time for the return of Machhindranath to Bungamati
Published: 05:45 pm Sep 07, 2020
Lalitpur, September 7 Seen in the pictures are a group of astrologers who gathered on Monday in Lalitpur to fix an auspicious date and time for the return of Bunga Dyah or the Rato Machhindranath to his abode in Bungamati. As per the astrologers, September 17 has been fixed as an ideal date for the return of Bunga Dya. On Sunday, the Rato Machhindranath Jatra (chariot procession) was conducted amid high security in Lalitpur as festivities like previous years have been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic which has hit hard the Kathmandu valley. Pictures taken by Naresh Shrestha for The Himalayan Times.