
One’s own bouquet

One’s own bouquet

By Rishi Singh

We’ve all heard and read about our birthstones. Today, let’s get to know our birth flowers and what they symbolise.

January: Carnation

The birthday flower for January is the carnation.

Carnations, originally from the East, have been cultivated for the last 2,000 years. These hardy, fragrant flowers represent pride and beauty. Carnations have been traditionally associated with fascination, which is a fitting sentiment for the freshness of the new year. Send carnations to let someone know you are proud of them.

February: Iris

Winter shades of cool blue and snowy white are found in the iris and represent faith, wisdom, and hope.

Irises open in the spring and can remain open for several days. Traditionally, this graceful flower has been chosen to convey “my compliments”.

March: Daffodil

When daffodils arise from the ground, it is considered a sign that winter is coming to an end and warmer weather is approaching. As one of the first flowers of spring, the daffodil is a classic symbol for rebirth and rejuvenation. Daffodils also convey a message of warmth and regard. Daffodils represent chivalry.

April: Daisy

The month of April is represented by the daisy. Daisies have long been associated with innocence.

Legend has it that the daisy originated from a nymph who wanted to escape unwanted attention. Transforming herself into this charming, but unassuming wildflower began the daisy’s association with simplicity and modesty.

Send daisies when you want to express your playful, childlike side.

May: Lily

In the month perhaps most associated with flowers, the lily holds a special place as May’s birthday flower.

The majestic white lily symbolises chastity and virtue. Tiger lilies represent wealth and pride. Send a floral bouquet of tiger lilies to wish someone happiness and prosperity.

June: Rose

Easily one of the most well-known and significant flowers, the rose is the perfect choice for celebrating a June birthday.

Roses have many meanings, according to number and colour. Roses can convey a wealth of varying symbolism, but all roses carry a meaning of love, passion and appreciation.

Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, presented a rose to Eros, the god of love.

July: Larkspur

July’s flower, the larkspur, is associated with lightheartedness and levity. Larkspurs can evoke the care-free days of summer we remember from our youth. Send a bouquet of larkspur to help someone see the humour in a situation.

August: Gladiolus

The lovely gladiolus is the birthday flower for August. From the Latin word meaning sword, gladiolus represented Roman gladiators.

Gladiolus symbolise strength of character and sincerity.

Send a bouquet of gladiolus to a person whose character you admire.

September: Aster

The September birthday flower is the aster, which is often used to accent different types of mixed flower arrangements. In addition to representing daintiness, asters are also known as a symbol of love.

In ancient times, it was believed that if aster leaves were burned, the perfume would drive away evil serpents. Today, asters are used to symbolise patience.

October: Marigold and Calendula

The golden colours of autumn are displayed by the marigold, which makes them the ideal flower for October birthdays. Marigolds have come to be associated with affection.

Calendula is sometimes called ‘summer bride’ or ‘husbandman’s dial’ because it’s flower head follows the sun. In the language of flowers, the calendula means ‘winning grace’ Once considered the most sacred of flowers, in India it was placed around the necks of holy statues.

Send a bouquet filled with calendulas when you want to express contentment and joy.

November: Chrysanthemum

For the month of November, the chrysanthemum is the traditional birthday flower.

These flowers have been grown in Chinese gardens for over 2,000 years. Today, the chrysanthemum is acknowledged as a symbol of the sun. Chrysanthemums represent cheerfulness due to the array of bright and vivid colours in which they are available.

Chrysanthemums represent fidelity.

Send them to your spouse in honour of your wedding anniversary.

December: Poinsettia and Narcissus

Though known for it’s association with the holidays, the poinsettia is also a December birthday flower. Poinsettias traditionally symbolise success and good cheer.

It’s said that when Narcissus bent down to kiss his reflection in a pool of water, he drowned. Upon learning that the most beautiful thing on earth had died, Apollo turned Narcissus into a scented flower to be enjoyed forever.

Symbolising self-confidence and assurance, a bouquet of narcissus sends a message

of strength and belief in the recipient. — Compiled