


By Rishi Singh

The road ahead

The decade-long armed conflict has finally ended with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement on November 21, brightening the prospects for peace, democracy and development in Nepal.

But the effort of the political leaders so far will go in vain if the treaty is not effectively implemented. The Nepalis have had enough bloodshed; they are now crying out for peace. The leaders who have steered the country through difficult times should stick to their word and lead to build a new Nepal.

Ambika Pandey, Chitwan


Kudos to the SPA and the Maoists for coming up with the peace treaty. Now, Nepal needs to project the image of a peaceful and prosperous country worthy of the land of the Budhha. It requires all the political parties to demonstrate deep commitment. The SPA partners need to learn from their past mistakes and the Maoists should abandon their rigid stance on certain issues. Nepal needs inclusive democracy that represents all sections of society. For this, we need a visionary and charismatic leadership.

Arun Bhattarai, Virginia, USA

Tough task

The National Ceasefire Code of Conduct Monitoring Committee has a tough task ahead. One has only to read THT news reports to know that the local-level Maoist cadres have yet to pay full heed to their leaders’ commitments. A truce means giving up both force and the threat of force.

Sue Chamberlain, Australia


During office hours, it becomes impossible to cross the road near Hanumansthan at

Kupondole. The Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitan City should consider constructing an overhead bridge there.

Ujjwal Shrestha, Lalitpur


Nepalis like me who are living thousands of miles away from home feel the same sense of jubilation and pride as those at home at the restoration of peace. The peace agreement should now open the door to permanent peace and democracy for all Nepalis. Peace looked almost impossible just a year ago. Now, all should concentrate on building the nation.

Manjit Maskey, e-mail


Some of the articles under the Midway column are very interesting and informative while many others are just irrelevant. The publication of pieces on matters of historical importance

could help lend greater charm to the column. But articles of a technical nature should not be published under Midway.

Saru Hamal, Belaspur, Nepalgunj


It seems a greater ordeal finding a job than graduating from university. There are few jobs and many more aspirants, as a look at the throngs of people chasing any vacancy shows. Even two years after graduation, I continue to hunt for a job. There are many who have been

waiting even longer. Every family invests a lot of effort and money into making its children graduates. Who is to blame for this joblessness?

Kapil Pokhrel, Baneshwor