



Meet against racism


A one-day symposium on Our Voice Against Communal Discrimination concluded on Tuesday issuing a five-point declaration. The declaration has stressed the need for recognising schools as the launch pad to change attitude of children regarding racial discrimination. The symposium was organised by Sujung English Boarding School in collaboration with Sama Bikash Kendra, Dipayal. The declaration has underscored the importance of active participation by the schools in local, regional and national level movements and publicity campaigns against the malpractice. — RSS

Nod to Ayurved college


Mahendra Sanskrit University, Belujhundi, Dang has given permission for the establishment of Mithila Ayurvedic College and Research Centre in Janakpur. A sum of Rs 420 million will be spent to construct the medical college on about 12 bigaha of land. The college will produce herbs and herbal medicines and also start BAAMS classes in Ayurvedic Medicine. It is hoped that the college will help to produce specialists in ayurvedic medicine and develop internal tourism. This is the first college permitted by the MSU to start such classes in Ayurvedic Medicine. — RSS

Property gutted


Property worth Rs 400,000 was gutted when fire engulfed Buddha Cycle Store at Amarpath of Butwal on Monday. Electric short-circuit might have caused the fire, locals said. The fire was brought under control by local people and police with the help of three fire engines from Butwal municipality. — RSS

Vaccines administered


The second phase of the National Measles Immunisation Camagain

ended in Pokhara sub-metropolitan city recently. Some 70,000 children of the

sub-metropolitan city were vaccinated against the disease and polio drop was administered to some 21,000 children below five years of age under the campaign, according to supervisor of Kaski district public health office. — RSS

FNJ convention held

MAHENDRANAGAR: The sixth district convention of Federation of Nepalese Journalists, Kanchanpur branch, concluded here recently under the chairmanship of the branch president Chitrang Thapa. Inaugurating the convention chief judge of Mahendranagar Appellate Court Ram Narayan Dhital said the journalists should be responsible towards the people and nation. Central vice-chairman of the FNJ Ummid Bagchan and others also spoke on the occasion. — RSS

Women’s group formed


Women Security Pressure Group, Rupandehi, was founded here on Monday in the presence of UML standing committee member and women leader Sahana Pradhan. The group aims at promoting women and mainstreaming them in the national development through various programmes. Leader Pradhan emphasised on the need of consensus among political forces for the restoration of peace in the country and consolidation of democracy. — RSS