
Catering to different tastes

Catering to different tastes

By Himalayan News Service


At the Annapurna Post International Food Festival being held in Pokhara on January 25 and 26 all the visitors can try Indian delicacies from Boomerang Restaurant, which is located at Lakeside in Pokhara.

“Indian dishes are popular all over the world so we hope to see a lot of visitors at our stall,” said Arjun Thapa, Chef at the restaurant. According to the owner of the restaurant for the last 16 years the place has been offering delicious Indian cuisines that the tourists have been enjoying along with the panoramic view of the Phewa lake.

Whereas the Bangladeshi cuisine, favourite among the fish lovers is being provided by Hotel Barahi. “ We will be using fresh fish from the local market for all of our dishes,” said Chef Radhakrishna Silwal. Bistro Caroline Restaurant is going to offer delectable French cuisine at the festival. “French dishes is prepared using more of cream and tomato to bring out the authentic flavour,” said Chef Amir KC. “These food items are not only tasty, but they are healthy and fresh too,” KC added.

Lowenbrau is the chief sponsor and Brown Filter Kings and Ruslan Vodka are the co-sponsors for the event.