
NC team fails to solve membership row

NC team fails to solve membership row

By NC team fails to solve membership row

Himalayan News Service

Kathmandu, January 14:

With the team concerned in the Nepali Congress able to finalise the active membership applications filed by members of only 10 of the 75 districts, the party leadership is struggling and is behind the schedule on the issue of sorting out the active membership row.

A source claimed that the team deputed to look into the applications and approve has finished scrutinising applications from 10 districts today. But, he also expressed ignorance about how long the team would take to finish looking into the applications from the remaining 65 districts. The source also insisted that the team was least likely to complete the task in about a week thus ruling out the possibility of commencement of elections for the district level posts.

Laxman Ghimire, a member of the application scrutinising team, claimed that the task will be dispensed with in two or three days. He was however, reluctant to comment on the issue, saying “I don’t want to comment on it yet.” Sources have meanwhile, said that the delay could be due to overwhelming number of applications coming from those who are handpicked by the inner circle leaders, thus demanding long time to sort out and reject the applications.

“Time is being consumed by the demand to go through so many applications. We have to go through each before deciding,” Ghimire added. The Nepali Congress ought to have finished the job a fortnight ago since it had initially announced that the new active members would be announced by January 13.