



Hungary is a lively country with a large variety of culture and tradition. The varied culture reflects its mix of people like Magyars, Romas, Germans, Slovaks, Croats, Serbs and Romanians.

One of the major events held in the country is the Budapest Spring Festival — a two-week cultural extravaganza celebrated in March. The other festivals are Budapest Film Festival in February, which premieres new Hungarian films and Busójárás in February. Sopron Festival Weeks in June/July are celebrated with ancient music and dance performances; the Nagykálló, which means Folk Arts Festival in August, is one of the biggest and best events of the year. Debrecen — Jazz Days in September is Hungary’s top Jazz festival.

The attractions of the country are Budapest, Eger, Lake Balaton and Pécs. Budapest the capital of the country is titled as the “Paris of Eastern Europe”. Eger is a beautifully preserved town. Thirteenth century Eger Castle, Eger Cathedral built in 1836 and a Minaret with 100 narrow spiral stairs are the overview of the town. Lake Balaton is one of the largest lakes in Europe. It is also called “the nation’s playground”. Pecs is the most interesting city of Hungary. The symbol of the city is the Mosque Church, the largest building from the Turkish occupation. Victor Vasarely Museum and the Zsolnay Porcelain Exhibit are the city’s best museums.

Hungarian cuisine mainly consists of fatty meat like pork or overcooked fish and garnish of pickles. National foods include “Pörkölt” — stew; “Gulyás” — a thick beef soup and “Halászlé” — spicy fish soup. The others are “Jokai Bableves” — bean soup, “Hideg Gyumolcsleves” — cold fruit soup made from sour cherry and “Palacsinta” — stuffed crepes. Drink includes wine, beer and the brandy called “Pálinka”.

Location: Central Europe

Highest point: Kekes 1,014 m

Climate: Temperate

Full country Name: Republic of Hungary

Government: Parliamentary democracy

head of the state: President Ferenc Mádl

Major industries: Mining,

metallurgy, agriculture, processed foods, textiles, chemicals and motor vehicles

Major Trading Partners: Germany, Austria, Italy and Russia

Major Imports: Machinery and equipment, fuels and electricity, food products and raw materials

Major Exports: Machinery and equipment, other manufactures, food products, raw materials, fuels and electricity

Currency: Forint (HUF)

Population: 10,032,375

Language: Hungarian and others

REligion: Roman Catholic, Calvinist, Lutheran, atheist

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