
Road woes

Road woes

By Rishi Singh

The Metropolitan Traffic Police (MTP), in a bid to manage the capital’s chaotic traffic, has proposed to the Ministry of Labour and Transport construction for 15 overhead parking lots. In addition to the increasing number of vehicles, narrow streets and traffic jams, which have become a bugbear for regular commuters in the Valley, lack of parking space, especially in downtown areas, has made the management of traffic almost a Herculean task. According to estimates, over 3 lakh vehicles ply in the streets of the capital everyday. The MTP proposal outlines the structure of the parking lots and a detailed process for their management.

The government in the past has constructed several overhead bridges. However, some of them, as they were not constructed scientifically had to be demolished soon. Ambitious as it seems, the proposed overhead vehicle parks should be constructed keeping in mind the convenience of motorists, possible expansion of roads, regular increase in the number of vehicles and other factors. Moreover, the traffic authorities need to conduct regular emission tests of vehicles older than 10 years, which, apart from being a traffic nuisance, also pose environmental threats, and such aging vehicles should not be permitted inside Ring Road. It would be all the more desirable if the public took to using public transport instead of private vehicles.