Extra effort pays
Extra effort pays
Published: 12:00 am Nov 23, 2008
Let me tell you a story of two people I worked with ten years ago. Both of these individuals were the same age, and approximate intelligence. Both wanted to progress in their careers. But, there was one major difference between them. One just talked and complained about not getting ahead while other person took the initiative by taking courses, and finding solutions.
Now, 10 years later, the person who talked and complained is still talking and complaining and still remains in the same position. The person who took the initiative and found solutions has been promoted several times.
What you have accomplished in the past is a much stronger example than talking about what you are capable of doing in the future.
Actions do speak louder than words!
The only difference between ordinary achievement and extraordinary achievement is that little “extra”.
Ordinary people with ordinary backgrounds and from ordinary places can accomplish some truly extraordinary feats when they are willing to put in a little extra here and a little extra there.
The principal reason some people make it and some people don’t, can be traced back to whether or not they are willing to consistently go that extra mile and give that extra effort. Becoming extraordinary requires work. Most people are unwilling to commit the extra effort, focus and commitment needed to take them to the top. After all, they have discovered that it is a lot easier to be just ordinary.
A lot of people, who could have gone so much further and could have accomplished so much more, tragically settle for so much less out of life. It seems as though being average is okay for them. In fact, just plain old average seems to be okay for most folks.
What about you? Are you willing to settle for a just plain vanilla life or are you willing to demand a whole lot more? To what limits are you willing to push yourself to get to the top? And when you finally get there, what are you willing to do to sustain your success? I believe you are ready, willing and able to give a little extra and bring out the best you have to offer.
Winners are easy to pick out in a crowd. Winners are ordinary people who consistently exhibit
extraordinary determination and commitment. Whenever the going gets tough, winners can be counted on to give a little extra effort.
They quickly zero in on what needs to be done and then go about it with a little extra focus. They approach each task with a little extra enthusiasm. They are ready to take advantage of opportunities when they occur because they put a little extra into their preparation.
Isn’t it amazing what can be accomplished with a little extra here and a little extra there? Yes, it is amazing, but isn’t all that surprising.
A little here and a little there really add up in a hurry. You will find that whenever you are willing to put a little extra in day in and day out, you’ll get extraordinary results in return.
All it takes is a little extra here and a little extra there and a little extra everywhere. While others sit around and read history, you’ll be making it. Extra, extra — read all about it!
Living full out, 100 per cent, no matter what