Venom’s spreading
Venom’s spreading
ByPublished: 12:00 am Jan 14, 2009
The tentacles of load shedding are the hissing serpents from Medusa’s head, burning to ashes everything in their vicinity. There is no modern-day Perseus in sight to end the ordeal. Maybe it has been ordained that we go through the immense power cuts. It is a legacy that has been handed down to provide mental as well as physical agony. The expectation of many who had hoped for a little power has been subdued, when even those who had benefited are sitting heads down. The past mistakes, indifferences, commission mongering, and such are reasons why the power generation capacity remained stagnant. That there is a hike in outage hours every few days points to how helpless the people are in front of their leaders, past and present.
The commuters can do nothing but watch in dismay that even the EVs (electric vehicles) have to stop selling their services, because there isn’t enough power supply to get the batteries fully charged. It is a matter of inconvenience to people opting for the economical transport, while the operators and their dependents will be seeing barren patches as their livelihood base. Operating on a modest investment, the EVs have given thousands of people meaningful employment. That opportunity is now being snatched away just because not enough electricity is flowing around. Well, this is just but one story, the others are also there for the takers.