
SCHOOL TIMES : Let’s stop global warming

SCHOOL TIMES : Let’s stop global warming

By Rishi Singh

A few weeks ago I watched a documentary based on global warming on HBO. The name of the documentary was An Inconvenient Truth. It made me wish to contribute something from my side to stop this disaster. Global warming is an issue which we should be aware of. It is warming up of our planet earth which is leading to natural disasters like tornadoes, hurricanes and cyclones. Global warming is happening because of the pollution we are creating. Where does the gas produced by our school buses go? Where does the smoke produced by burning plastics go? The answer is very simple, it goes right up to the sky, the ozone layer. It thickens the layers there causing absorption of more heat from the sun, therefore our earth gets warmer and warmer by the day. Global warming is affecting the whole world. It has now become an extremely important issue. It is drawing attention of scientists all over the world. Researches are being conducted and efforts are being made to stop global warming from damaging our earth. As a resident of planet earth it is our duty to help curb global warming and if possible stop it. We can contribute in our own little ways to stop this disaster. The documentary I watched suggested that if we really want to help in this mission, we should start from our homes, like make a habit of using paper bags instead of plastic bags. As a student we can also encourage our classmates to do so. We can send articles to newspapers on this topic, and help create awareness. Moreover we can inform our neighbours about the issue and request them to do the above mentioned things. One voice may go unheard in the crowd but the voice of a hundred people will surely be heard

and will help to save our mother earth from this dangerous crisis called global warming. Lets put our efforts together in securing our future. Lets stop global warming.

— Amshu Gajurel and Pratikshya Sharma,

Class IX , AVM High School