Published: 12:00 am Mar 26, 2005
Lawati’s house set ablaze
PHIDIM: Suspected Maoists set ablaze the house of RPP vice-president Padamasundar Lawati at Phidim on Friday. They forced Lawati’s wife Tara Khaling and two helpers out of the house and set it on fire, said colonel Tek Bahadur Singh of the RNA’s Batuk Barrack. Khaling said the men looted a TV set and a camera from her. — HNS
Three commit suicide
BHAIRAHAWA: Three persons, including a couple, committed suicide in Rupandehi on Friday, the police said. Bhupal Tharu, 32, and his wife Radha Kumari Tharu, 30, who had consumed poision, died while they were being rushed to a hospital for treatment. — RSS
Women visit health posts
DHADING: Rural women have started visiting Baireni Health Post for delivering their babies after the health centre began distributing sari to the mother and bhoto (vest) to the baby last year. The number of women visiting the health post for having babies has reached 57 in a year. — RSS
UK couple’s aid for school
LAMJUNG: A British couple is to construct a building for Janabikas secondary school, Chandidada of Lamjung district in memory of their dead son. Their son Alex was working as a volunteer in the school for three months till November last when he was killed in an accident in the Kaligandaki river. Alex was enjoying rafting with his girlfriend Lena when their boat overturned. — RSS
Tuberculosis deaths
NAWALPARASI: Forty persons died of tuberculosis in Nawalparasi this year, the District Public Health Office said. Free treatment is available in sub-health posts in 46 village development committees of the district under DOTs programme and 442 patients completed treatment out of the 628 patients infected with tuberculosis among the 1,998 tested, said health administrator Ramesh Prasad Adhikari. — RSS