
Students to scan teaching licence forms

Students to scan teaching licence forms

By Kokila KC

KATHMANDU: A team of students from the Faculty of Education (FoE) is going to look into the applications received for the teaching license exam. The government had earlier announced to let everybody to have been continuing on the teaching profession since before 2006 sit for the exam. The FoE students had demanded a probe, suspecting that applicants have submitted fake teaching experience certificates. Falling to the demand, the Teachers’ Service Commission today selected 16 students, who will look into the experience letters attached with applications in Kathmandu, Kaski, Chitwan, Rupendehi, Morang, Dhanusha, Banke and Kailali districts.Birat Singh, an MEd second year student at Mahendra Ratna Campus Tahachal, who coordinates the team, said, “A two-member team will begin the probe in Kathmandu tomorrow.” Two weeks ago, the government and the FoE students had agreed to form a seven-member committee in all the districts under the coordination of a District Education Committee member to look into the certificates. Other members of the committee are two FoE students and one representative each from the District Education Office, Nepal Teachers’ Union, Institutional School Teachers’ Union and District Administration Office. The team deployed from Valley will assist the earlier committee.