Ambition 2006 to fulfil students’ dream
Kathmandu, May 31 :
Ambition 2006, the biggest career and education fair being organised in Nepal from June 16 to 18 at Bhrikutimandap Exhibition Ground with the involvement of various educational and career consultancy fir-ms, is expected to fulfil students’ dream of quality education and a great career.
Exhibitors who are preparing to participate at the event to showcase their services and products hop-ed that Ambition 2006 wou-ld turn out to be an effective platform for students and career seeking people.
Annapurna Post, a popular Nepali national daily, is presenting Ambition 2006 in association with various educational institutions.
Laxman Iteni, executive director of Cosmic Education Nepal (CEN), one of the exhibitors at the fair told The Himalayan Times that participating at this kind of a national expo would boost CEN’s services as a big turn-out of student visitors is expected. As it is a kind of promotional fair, exhibition of information such as study information related to Net-herlands, UK, Germany, USA, Australia and UAE wo-uld be highlighted, Iteni informed. CEN, the main spo-nsor of Ambition 2006, is pl-anning to exhibit three kin-ds of services at the event namely standardised test preparations, abroad study consultancy and counselling and pre and post visa services, informed Iteni.
He said that during the event, foreign professors will visit here and guide students who are looking for information for studying abroad on various courses. Issues like the right management of funds through financial counselling, scho-larship opportunities and procedures to reach final destination will be delt with at the event for the benefits of the visitors, he informed. He informed that CEN is opening its contact office in Netherlands as well to facilitate students going abroad for further study. CEN already has contact offices in Australia and Germany.
During the exhibition, special discount fares will also be announced, he said.
Rabi Shrestha, publication officer of Campion Associates (CA) commented that the CA wants to be popular among all students and educational institutions. He hoped that the fair would help students to know a lot about how can students make the right choice after completing School Leaving Certificate (SLC), to be released soon. Shrestha also informed that Campion has already established its first international school in Siliguri, India in affiliation with the University of Cambridge, UK. Given such a context, the publicity of the institution at the fair would help students to get enrolled in quality educational institutions, he hoped. The event is like a platform for students to get detailed information on education and related colleges and schools, said Shrestha. CA would conduct many activities at the event to inform visitors about its activities, he said.
CA is one of the co-sponsors of the event as well.
Ranjan Pant, of Nepal International Educational Consultancy (NIEC) and the coordinator of the fair informed that the fair would promote consultancy services for studying abroad. We will give details about all our services and distribute addresses to all visitors at the event who are interested to go for further study to USA, Japan, UK, Germany and Cyprus on various subjects, he said. “Besides that, NIEC will also conduct languages classes.” NIEC is also one of the co-sponsors of the Ambition 2006.
Pankaj Jalan, administrative officer of Lord Buddha Education Foundation (LB-EF) commented that participating at the Ambition 20-06 would be extremely helpful for students who want to know more about further study under one roof. It will also promote our college and brand as a quality institution in today’s education sector in Nepal, said Jalan.