Biz briefs
New Yellow pages out
KATHMANDU: Development Publication House Pvt Ltd has launched the 13th edition of Connection Yellow Pages-2005. Unlike the past issues, the new issue has come out in an attractive cover, with more listings and under headings for business informations. Connection Yellow Pages stands today as ‘the promoters of Nepal’s business’ locally and internationally, states a press release issued here today. — HNS
Paddy production rises
BIRATNAGAR: Paddy produce in Morang this year has increased in comparison to the last three years. A total of 333,766 metric tonnes of paddy was produced from 96,437 hectares this year, reports the district agriculture office. The paddy produced in 2003 was 294,405 metric tonnes from 94,719 hectares and 324,431 metric tonnes from 97,550 hectares in 2002. — RSS
Hydel project operational
PARBAT: Amdikhola micro-hydro project of Bachchha VDC in Parbat district has come into operations. Some 125 households of the VDC will benefit from the project constructed by the Rural Energy Development Programme. Twenty one kilowatt electricity is generated from the hydro power which was constructed at Rs 2.7 million. — RSS
Micro-finance seminar
BIRATNAGAR: Resources Development Centre Nepal held a regional workshop and seminar on gender mainstreaming in micro-finance here. Increasing participation of women in micro-finance programmes and their statues promotion in the society was main objective of the seminar. — RSS
Soap production in Mugu
MUGU: Soap is production in Pina VDC of Mugu district has generated employment opportunities. DFID has provided technical and financial assistance to produce washing and toilet soaps under its community assistance programme. It has also provided equipment necessary for the collection, refinement and production of soap using locally available raw materials. — RSS
SAIC to reduce IPO
BEIJING: Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp (SAIC), one of China’s largest carmakers, may halve its planned $2.0 billion Hong Kong listing in view of the slowing in the country’s auto market. The company may have to cut its IPO target to $1.0 billion because auto stocks have fallen sharply while the industry as a whole is under pressure from government measures to slow the economy. — AFP