Brand watch: You can sleep easier, E-stamper is here

Kathmandu, Novermber 22:

Eclat Nepal Pvt Ltd has launched a state-of-the-art e-security stamp seal in the market.

“E-security stamper is a pre-inked stamp with built-in security features that utilise the latest technology to prevent easy copying and duplicating,” said Ooi Leng Hai, managing director of Eclat Prestige Sdn Berhad.

The stamper’s features include minitext as fine as two-points that cannot be incorporated into conventional stampers but can easily be identified, hidden wordings which can only be seen with authentic checkers, embossed relief effects which prevent scanning or photocopying and guilloche design that is similar to currency notes, he said adding that the best part of the e-stamper is that it cannot be copied, duplicated or modified.

“These features are not only used in the stamps but also in letter-heads and cheques to forestall forgery and counterfeiting,” he added.