Dairy Development Corporation collaborating with pvt sector to sell products


The Dairy Development Corporation (DDC) has started collaborating with the private sector to sell its products.

Due to the lockdown, consumption of milk and milk products has declined.

Thus, the corporation is now collaborating with supermarkets and retailers. It has also called on retailers to become authorised sellers of DDC products.

“Currently, we have collaborated with Bhatbhateni, SalesBerry and BigMart to sell DDC milk products and gradually we are adding other retailers too,” said Rudra Prasad Poudel, general manager of DDC. Prior to this, the corporation had been selling its products via its own outlets located at Lainchaur, New Road and Khumaltar.

“With a plan to increase the area of our sales we have started collaborating with private sector players and providing them authority to sell our products,” he added.

Due to the lockdown, production and product demand in the market have both declined.

As per Poudel, the market of DDC processed milk has declined by around 17 per cent during the lockdown while demand for DDC milk products has fallen by 40 per cent. “As demand has dropped, we are preparing milk products only based on market demand,” he said.

The corporation expects this collaboration with the private sector to increase the consumption and consequently the supply of its products. Poudel further added that the corporation is also working on new plans to increase the supply of DDC products.

“The demand for all types of products has declined in the market during the lockdown but we are now planning for things when the situation becomes normal,” he stated. “So we have called for a proposal from retailers and supermarkets for collaboration.”

Meanwhile, DDC has also been producing cheese, butter and paneer to utilise milk.

As per DDC, it has been storing 850 tonnes of milk powder in its own cold store and around 600 tonnes of butter in cold stores owned by private sector players. It has been currently spending around Rs 900,000 per month to store cheese and butter at private cold stores located in Hetauda and Kathmandu.

DDC had already been seeking a market for the cheese its produces to sell during the Visit Nepal 2020 campaign. However, due to the COVID-19 the campaign has been cancelled.

A version of this article appears in e-paper on June 20, 2020, of The Himalayan Times.