Peace brings more tourists
ATTARIA: The number of tourists arriving in Nepal from other countries has increased with the restoration of peace in the country.
In the last fiscal year, tourist arrivals through the Kailali customs point increased by 26.09 per cent compared to the preceding year.
According to records of the immigration office in Kailali, 58,000 tourists from other countries including Britain, America, Poland and Germany entered Nepal via the point during the 2065-66 fiscal year. The office collected revenue Rs 114,796 from them. The office issued visa for 15, 30 and 90 days to them.
Tourists from other countries pay $25 for 15 days visa and $40 and $100 for 30 days and 90 days, respectively. Most of the tourists seek visa for 15 and 30 days.
Only two tourists took visa for 90 days in the last fiscal year.
Officials said tourist arrival could go up in the far western development if publicity campaign for the region were to be intensified.