Dreams of melodies unplugged


When Keshar SJB Rana dreamt of his perfect garden, he must have never thought that it would not remain just in his dreams but would one day be place where many would nurture their dreams. On the evening of November 28, dreams of two singers came true. The beautiful garden came alive to the melodies of ‘Unplugged Adrian featuring Karma Bomzan’ — a Taal music presentation..

Adrian Pradhan, vocalist and a member of ever popular Nepali rock band 1974 AD, was performing a live and solo unplugged concert for the very first time.

“This is my first solo performance and I am both nervous and excited. I am happy my band members are here to support and enjoy my show,” said Pradhan.

Bomjan, who disappeared from the music scene for almost two years after sweeping away four awards at the 11th annual Hits FM Awards, was back to woo the Nepali crowd.

“I was away because of work and now I am back in Nepal. I have never performed in Kathmandu and this is my first time performing in the Valley and that too unplugged. I am thrilled to get this opportunity to share the stage with my idol Adrian Pradhan, his presence makes this experience even memorable,” admitted Bomjan.

The concert started later than scheduled and Bomjan was the first woo the crowd and was successful in impressing the audience with his hit numbers like China Jana, Yo maan lai, Bir Gorkhali and a cover song of the band Mantra among others.

When Pradhan came on the stage, the crowd’s excitement was but obvious as people clapped and cheered. He began his performance with Malai khacho chha, and his melodious and soft voice infused romance into the atmosphere. He continued with Na bhana, Sir siri, Sara khusi and sang 14 songs from his new and old solo albums.

His new album Janani, which will be hitting the market soon, is dedicated to all the mothers, mother earth and the motherland. At the end he sang the very popular number Yo maan ta mero Nepali ho, which the singer called his personal favourite and his eight-year-old son Prajwol Raj too joined him on stage to croon along with daddy dearest. — HNS