Getting physical
Physical exercise or physical education is an indispensable part of school education. There are several reasons to support this opinion although it is true that academic subjects should be given importance in schools and colleges.
Firstly, physical exercise is necessary for all human beings especially children in order to maintain their health and fitness. A person’s school life runs for at least 10 to12 years. Therefore, if he is not given the knowledge of physical education and the time for physical exercise in this period of school life, various defects are very likely to be seen in his physical development. Lack of physical exercise usually makes one languid.
Secondly, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. If a person’s physique is weak, his mental level is also likely to be weak no matter how busy we keep him with his academic studies.
Movement is one of the fundamental characteristics of life and physical exercise makes us move ensuring that all body parts remain active and strong enough to fight any disease. For this reason, physical exercise is as important as food for our body’s growth and development.
I believe that every child should be involved in some physical activity for at least 2 hours everyday.
Exercise also helps promote cooperation, acceptance leadership, traits of good citizenship and self discipline among students. These are the most valuable ornaments for a successful and happy life.
It is true that academic subjects should given priority, but physical exercise should not be ignored as it helps in preparing a student become a better individual in the future with a healthy head and heart.