Hot Lankan delights

Dewan Rai


Sunrise Café is all set to serve you Sri Lankan cuisine at ‘The Lankan Odyssey’ beginning from 15 July. “The taste and flavour of the cuisine is simply superb. I tasted Sri Lankan cuisine for the first time,” said Nilesh Singhvi, executive chef, Yak And Yeti. Rice and Curry (boiled rice with curried vegetable, fish and/or meat laced with Sri Lankan spices) is the typical Sri Lankan main meal and a gourmet delight. Curries are usually made hot but can be mellowed to suit specific palettes. “As an island country, sea food and coconut dishes are popular here,” said Singhvi. Pol Sambola (Coconut Sambol) one of the most popular forms of the dish, is a simple preparation of grated coconut, red pepper, onion, lime and salt. Sun-dried tuna fillets enhance the flavour of Pol Sambola. Polos pehi is a vegetarian dish, a preparation of the tender fruit of the jak tree which looks and tastes like a mild fish curry. The cooking squad led by chef M Karupa Swami is already engaged in the preparation of the festival where three different menus with Lankan signature dishes like Parippu Curry (daal curry), Bath (Rice) and Kukul Mass (Chicken Curry) will be served. The festival will be on till 17 July.