Knowing our heritage better

Following DAV’s tradition of taking an annual field trip we went to Changu Narayan this year.

Changu Narayan is one of the most important temples of Kathmandu Valley, and is 18 km from Kathmandu city. This temple is well known from the artistic, religious, cultural, historical and archaeological viewpoints.

The site has different names like Dolagiri, Dolaparvat, Champapur Mahanagar but Changu is the most popular and famous. UN body UNESCO has declared it one of the world’s heritage sites.

Our first glimpse of the site was stone steps, spouts and ponds and the magnificence was awesome. As we stepped towards Changu Narayan temple we pased the Changu Museum, the first private museum of Nepal, which boasts of articles on ancient culture, religion, weapons, coins and the history of Nepal. Fukka Dam, Nepal’s smallest coin and also recorded as the world’s smallest coin is also kept here.

After the museum visit, we reached Changu Narayan temple where we found Nepal’s oldest inscription, which belongs to the period of Lichhavi king Mandev around 464 AD. At the temple we saw the huge statue of Garuda, the statues of Malla king and queen, Vaikuntha Vishnu, Chhinnamasta, Vishworup and many other Gods and Goddess.

The roof of the two-storied temple is standing on a high plinth of stone. The four entrances to this temple are guarded animals like lions, griffins and elephants.

The 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu and other idols support the roof. According to the inscriptions, Lichhavi king Mandev renovated the temple in the 5th century and king Mahendra in 2018 BS.

After our tour of the temple, we rested in the jungle near Changu Narayan, had snacks and went on a short walk. Though we were tired, our desire to know more about Changu Narayan led us to the tourist Information centre. We got to know more about the ancient city of Champapur Mahanagar, which is the old name of Changu Narayan.

And with fond memories we left Changu Narayan having got to know our heritage better.