Looking back at my career

Looking back at my history, I might feel proud of myself to have lived a decade, at a place which I always “took for granted”. But when I look at my school, AVM, the pride of my own achievement vanishes, as I see my school four times older, wiser and more modest than me. But what takes me to cloud nine is the feeling that I’m a part, a step of this historical journey, appreciated by all and envied by all but still borne by one.

AVM took me to a journey from being a fool, who took her school as a bluntness of vision or the rusting of her mind, to a person who now wishes to be a student of palaeontology, right at its courtyard. Now I realise, I am a part of AVM and I am nobody without AVM. It is not just my teachers, it’s my companion, my soul mate, but somewhere I grew up to be me. With the passing of years and the fondness that grew with years makes me realise that no matter how I am or end up to be, I can never beat AVM, not in pace, not in grace. — Monalisa Sangroula, Class X, AVM